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School Policies

Admissions Policy


This is a statement of procedures for admission to ISS. It is reviewed annually.


We operate a selective entry procedure. Our aim is to admit boys and girls regardless of race or religious views. Our assessments ensure that pupils will enjoy and benefit from the broad curriculum on offer.

Selection Criteria

  1. For entry into the Early Years and Year's 1 & 2 of the Primary School we look at the children’s:

    • Confidence to undertake tasks

    • Ability to follow simple instructions

    • Communication and language skills

    • Fine motor skills

    • Social skills

  2. For entry into Year 3 and upwards (up to Year 13), children are assessed by means of a CAT test, NGRT English test and an interview to discover wider interests. Information about their previous education experience and a written report from the previous school are taken into account.

Procedures for School Entry

Step 1: General information

Contact our admissions department: Email:

Step 2: Tour of the School

Make an appointment to visit the school campus, or have a virtual tour, if possible.

Step 3: Application

Complete an application form with all the required supporting documentation.

Make an appointment for the student’s assessment.

Step 4: Enrolment

The student will be assessed and undertake a personal interview with the relevant Head of School.

Parents will be informed if enrolment is accepted within 5 days of the interview.

Step 5: Acceptance of a place at ISS

If the parent chooses to accept the place at ISS, they must pay the relevant Joining Fees and provide written acceptance of the School’s Terms and Conditions.

Waiting List

If no space is available in a class students are placed on a waiting list.

We offer places to children on the waiting list if and when they become available in the following order of preference:

  1. Children of staff

  2. Reservation Fee paid for siblings of already enrolled students

  3. Reservation Fee paid

  4. Siblings of already enrolled students with no Reservation Fee paid

  5. No Reservation Fee paid

Reservation Fee

The Reservation Fee is designed to allow parents the opportunity to ‘reserve’ a place at ISS prior to enrolment. This is normally for parents planning to move to Samui who wish to ensure there is a place for their children at ISS once they arrive. The Fee is non refundable but acts as a credit towards future school fees once the student is enrolled at the school.


The pupil’s age on 1st September of the academic year of entry will normally determine the class he or she will enter.


ISS gives siblings priority. On occasions, we do not offer a place if we feel that the school is not the correct educational environment at that stage. Reassessment may be offered at a later stage.

Children of current staff

Children of staff will be subject to the same admissions procedure and criteria as other applicants for places.


The offer of a place and the value of any Scholarship will be at the recommendation of the CEO and the Scholarship Committee.

CEO - 010122

Anti Bullying Policy


Bullying can be defined as “a deliberate act done to cause distress….It can be an unresolved single frightening incident or a series of such incidents.” It is difficult for victims to defend themselves against bullying.

Bullying can be:

  1. Physical - hitting, kicking, taking belongings

  2. Verbal - name calling, insulting, offensive remarks, threats

  3. Indirect - spreading rumours, exclusion, ostracizing

It may be directed at an individual or it may arise out of the victim’s ethnicity, nationality, colour, sexual orientation or some form of disability and thus affect a wider group.


At ISS our aim is that staff, children and parents work together to create a happy, caring learning environment. We will not tolerate bullying and have a whole school approach to ensuring safety, security, openness and confidence.


  1. To communicate effectively to all members of the school community the school’s stance on bullying.

  2. To promote an open atmosphere in which victims and witnesses know that it is right ‘to tell’

  3. To work with staff so that they can identify different sorts of bullying and know how to deal with cases sensitively and effectively.

  4. To work with children in a range of ways to equip them with skills and knowledge to counter and deal with bullying.



  1. Discuss the school’s definition of bullying at least annually to ensure common understanding.

  2. Train all staff, including non-teaching staff, to recognise types of bullying and signs of possible victims.

  3. All staff are to follow these 5 key points:

    • Never ignore suspected bullying.

    • Do not make premature assumptions.

    • Listen carefully to all accounts – several pupils saying the same thing does not necessarily mean they are telling the truth.

    • Adopt a problem-solving approach which moves pupils on from self-justification.

    • Follow up repeatedly, checking that bullying has not resumed.

All cases of suspected bullying must be reported to the appropriate Head of School.


  1. Teachers should be aware of the opportunities within the curriculum to create an anti-bullying ethos and to develop self-esteem and peer power.

  2. Children will learn through a combination of direct discussion about bullying and indirect strategies in teaching and other aspects of the school such as:

  • School’s Code of Conduct

  • Assemblies

  • PSHE and Well-being lessons

  • Pastoral meetings

  • School Council

  • Displays, including Anti-bullying board


Any concerns raised by parents will be sympathetically heard and investigated. Parents of both victims and bullies will be supported.

Monitoring and Evaluation

All reported cases of bullying will be recorded and the appropriate Head of School will:

  1. Keep records confidential and secure

  2. Allow access to the records only to the Senior Management Team and Head.

Staff responsibilities

  1. Departmental Heads will identify opportunities in their schemes of work to support Anti-bullying strategies.

  2. Form tutors present and discuss the policy with their form at least annually.

  3. Emphasise the message ‘It is right to tell.’

  4. If you witness or suspect a case of bullying:

    • Talk to the appropriate Head of School

    • Keep dated behaviour logs or input on Reward System

    • Talk discreetly to the suspected victim and encourage a dialogue

    • If bullying is involved, follow procedure No 6

    • If none is admitted but you are still suspicious, monitor, suggest that the form tutor/class teacher uses form time to explore/support.

  5. If a case of bullying is brought to your attention:

    • Listen sympathetically and take it seriously but do not make assumptions

    • Do not promise unconditional confidentiality; you may have to tell others in order to ensure the well-being of the victim

    • Make notes and talk to the appropriate Head of School. Agree who will take the next steps/ further action. (see Strategies below)

  6. In the case of bullying the relevant Head of School will:

    • Ensure that the parents of all children involved are informed

    • Record details of the incident(s) and action taken

    • Identify the nature of the incident(s) and implement appropriate strategies. These could include:

      1. mediation by an adult

      2. assertiveness training for the victim

      3. group meetings to analyse problems and develop solutions cooperatively

      4. meetings with parents to ensure complementary and effective measures to support children and solve the problem

      5. follow the cycle set out below:

Where children do not respond to strategies and bullying is persistent, violent or deemed to be putting a student or students at personal risk, sanctions in line with the school’s Discipline Policy will follow. Sanctions may be immediate pending further investigations if in the opinion of the Head the perceived risk of harm to another student or students is of genuine concern.

Strategies for dealing with bullying:

  1. The emphasis is always on a caring, listening approach as bullies are often victims too – that is why they bully.

  2. Discussions at length with the victim. This will require patience and understanding. Remember – Listen, believe, act.

  3. Identify the bully/bullies. Obtain witnesses if possible. Advise the Form Tutor, Head of School and the Head in each case.

  4. Discussions with the bully. Discuss with them the details and ask them to tell the truth about the situation/incident. Make it clear that bullying is not acceptable at ISS.

  5. If they own up then follow the procedure outlined below and in the Code of Conduct.

  6. If they do not own up, investigate further. If it is clear that they are lying, continue with the procedure. Children usually own up if presented with all the facts.

  7. Hold separate discussions with the parents of victim and bully.

  8. Tell the victim that he/she must report any further instances of bullying. Tell the bully that the victim has been given this instruction. This helps to prevent recurrence.

  9. Sanctions for the bully may include withdrawal from favoured activities, loss of break-times. Exclusion, both temporary and permanent, from school depends on the perceived severity of the incident(s).

  10. Through on-going discussions, help the bully to face and understand the consequences of his/her actions, take responsibility and move on.

  11. Continue monitoring the situation.

  12. As the behaviour of the bully (hopefully) improves, then favoured activities etc. can be reinstated.

  13. Where groups of children are involved or a culture of bullying is perceived to be developing in a class, the Form tutor/Class Teacher will address the issue through Registration/Form Time and through general pastoral care. Other subject teachers will be made aware of the situation in order to be able to assist through the broader curriculum.

  14. Records of bullying incidents will be maintained and scrutinised by the Senior Management Team to check on the effectiveness of this policy and to identify and rectify or eliminate common “hot-spots” of time, place or opportunity.

CEO - 010122

Complaints Procedure Policy

This procedure applies to all parents and guardians.

At ISS, we take pride in our openness and in the quality of the teaching and pastoral care provided to our pupils. We welcome suggestions and comments from parents and take complaints and concerns very seriously. If parents do make a complaint, they can expect it to be treated by the school in accordance with this policy.

A complaint will be treated as an expression of genuine dissatisfaction, which needs a response.

We wish to ensure that:

  1. Parents wishing to make a complaint know how to do so

  2. We respond to complaints within a reasonable time and in a courteous and efficient way

  3. Parents realise that we listen to complaints and take them seriously

  4. We take action where appropriate

  5. All complaints are reviewed on a regular basis

Stage 1 – Informal resolution

“How should I complain?”

We hope that most complaints and concerns will be resolved quickly and informally. If you have a complaint, you should normally contact your child’s class teacher or form tutor. This can be in person, by letter, telephone or email. In many cases, the form teacher will be able to resolve the matter to your satisfaction quickly and with the minimum of fuss. If the form teacher cannot resolve the matter alone, it may be necessary for him or her to consult the relevant Head of School or the CEO.

Complaints made directly to the relevant Head of School at this stage will normally be referred to the relevant form teacher, unless the relevant Head of School or the CEO deems it appropriate to deal with the matter personally.

The form teacher will make a written record of all concerns and complaints and the date on which they were received. Should the matter not be resolved within five working days or in the event that a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached, then you will be advised to proceed to Stage 2 of this policy.

“I don’t want to complain as such, but there is something bothering me.”

The school shares with you the best interests of your child and we want to hear your concerns. Contact your child’s form teacher, as described above.

“I am not sure whether to complain or not.”

If, as parents, you have concerns, you are entitled to complain. If in doubt, you should contact your child’s form teacher, who is there to help.

“What if my complaint is about the form teacher?”

Where possible, you should still raise concerns about the form teacher with the form teacher. Often small matters of miscommunication or misunderstanding can be put right quickly. If you do not feel that this is appropriate, then you should contact the teacher's Head of School directly or the CEO. Initially, this can be in confidence.

However, the Head of School or the CEO is likely to seek your agreement to discuss the matter with the form teacher in order to deal effectively with the concern or complaint. It is the school’s policy that complaints made by parents should not rebound adversely on their children.

Stage 2 – Formal Resolution

If the complaint cannot be resolved on an informal basis, then you should put your complaint in writing to the CEO or ask to speak with the CEO in person. The CEO will decide, after considering the complaint, the appropriate course of action to take.

In most cases, the CEO will meet or speak to the parents concerned, normally within five working days of receiving the complaint, to discuss the matter. If possible, a resolution will be reached at this stage.

It may be necessary for the CEO to carry out further investigations. The CEO will keep written records of all meetings and interviews held in relation to the complaint.

Once the CEO is satisfied that, so far as is practicable, all of the relevant facts have been established, a decision will be made and you will be informed of this decision either in writing or in person. The CEO will also give reasons for his decision.

Should the matter not be resolved within five working days or in the event that a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached, then you will be advised to proceed to Stage 3 of this policy.

Stage 3 – Executive Board

If the unlikely event your complaint cannot be resolved with the CEO, then you should put your complaint in writing to the Executive Board. The Board will endeavour to make a decision as soon as is practicably possible and you will be informed of this decision either in writing or in person. The decision of the Board is final.

“What happens about confidentiality?”

Parents can be assured that all concerns and complaints raised will be treated seriously. Correspondence, statements and records will be kept confidential except in so far as is required of the school by its requirements under its International School License obligations where disclosure is required in the course of the school’s inspection; or where any other legal obligation prevails.

The school recognises the mutual benefit to be gained from open and honest communication. We acknowledge your entitlement to complain and we hope to work with you in the best interests of the children whom you have placed in our care.

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Controlled Drugs Policy


The aim of this policy is to prevent ISS pupils using controlled drugs. Through education, sanctions and counselling, we aim to build up the discipline and self-discipline needed to prevent the use of such drugs.

The Policy

  1. The use or supply of illegal and other unauthorized drugs within the school boundaries (see below) is unacceptable

  2. Through education (Well-being & PSHE and form time in particular) all our pupils will be informed and warned about the dangers of misusing drugs

  3. Through school rules and sanctions, the strongest possible message will be given to all pupils about any involvement with drugs or drug use, especially controlled drugs

Controlled Drugs are those covered by Thai Law. This particular policy statement does not, therefore, cover alcohol or tobacco. (However, the use of either tobacco products or alcohol when in school uniform is a school offence and action will be taken.)

Drug misuse is defined as the non-medical use of drugs that are only intended for medical treatment and the use of drugs that have no medical purpose.

The very illegality of these substances imposes special responsibilities on schools. The school is in loco parentis and has a responsibility towards the pupil and the community; it is an offence to be in possession of a controlled drug; it is also an offence knowingly to allow controlled drugs to be present or taken on the premises.

Defining the School Boundaries

The limits of ‘school boundaries’ extend beyond the school premises and perimeters to include journeys in school time (including travelling to and from school), work experience and residential trips (including those outside term time).


Drugs education at ISS will take place primarily through our Well-being & PSHE programme.

Our education will emphasise that the misuse of drugs has serious consequences for health and future prospects. It will be blunt and factual. We believe there is ‘right and wrong’ in drug issues. But we will also provide opportunities to listen and to develop personal self respect as well as respect for the law.

In explaining how drugs work, education will stress that apparent short-term thrills are far outweighed by long-term dangers. It will also explore the social pressures that lead to misuse of drugs.

We will discuss how to handle social situations positively and in a balanced way, achieving enjoyment, health and fun without personal harm.


We encourage pupils to discuss their anxieties with a member of staff. Matters brought in confidence will be treated in confidence and not subject to disciplinary sanctions, but any pupil suspected of involvement with drugs or substances outside this context will face full disciplinary consequences.

Confidential and sensitive information is only disclosed internally or externally with careful attention to pupils’ rights and needs.

The School priority is the health and safety of the school community.


The school recognizes that many ordinary substances lend themselves to misuse and, therefore, need to be carefully stored and managed. Regulations will apply to secure storage and safe keeping of solvent substances in school.

The senior member of staff with overall responsibility for all drug issues within the school is the CEO.

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Curriculum Policy

ISS draws on the National Curriculum of England as a framework for planning, assessing and reporting. ISS is a registered Cambridge Assessment International Examination Centre and Pearson Edexcel Examination Centre. ISS is licensed to teach the National Curriculum of England by the Ministry of Education, is accredited by EDT (Education Development Trust) and is a member of ISAT (International Schools Association of Thailand).

Aims of the curriculum

We undertake to:

  1. Have high expectations of the children and ourselves

  2. Raise levels of attainment for all pupils, enabling them to achieve their personal best

  3. Develop confident, disciplined and enquiring learners who are able to make informed choices

  4. Foster a love of learning

  5. Foster self-esteem and personal responsibility, linked to respect for the needs and feelings of others

  6. Facilitate considerate and positive relationships between all members of the school community

  7. Ensure equal opportunities in relation to gender, race, class and belief

  8. Value and respect all cultures

  9. Provide a safe, happy work place

  10. Promote a thoughtful attitude towards the immediate and wider environment

Pupils with English as a second language

Pupils who join ISS with English as a second language require an assessment in order to ascertain if they require extra English lessons. The Head of School will determine if this is necessary and inform the parents accordingly. Extra English lessons are provided during the school day by a specialist TEFL teacher.


Formal home work is set for pupils in Year 3 and above. Pupils in Year 2 and below may receive spellings and other informal types of homework.

Reading Record

Pupils in Reception up to Year 6 are issued with a reading record book which is checked by the form teacher weekly.

Assessment and Reporting

ISS follows a program of classroom orientated continual assessment which is closely linked in with examinations at the beginning and at the end of each academic year.

Assessment is an essential part of the teaching process. Regular assessments are made of pupils’ work to establish a level of attainment and to inform future planning. Teachers use assessment information to track the progress of individual pupils and the relevant Head of School uses it to monitor how effective the teaching and the curriculum is.

Reports to parents give clear, accurate and useful information on their children’s progress.

Equal Opportunities

We believe all pupils who are enrolled in the school should have equal opportunities and equal access to the curriculum.

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Discipline Policy


Our aims for discipline are that all children will:

  1. be tolerant and understanding of the feelings and needs of others.

  2. develop a responsible and independent attitude towards their role in the community.

  3. develop an awareness of right and wrong and differentiate between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour.

  4. learn to have respect for others and to behave courteously towards them.

  5. contribute to a safe environment.

  6. be able to work in an orderly atmosphere.

  7. be able to understand the role of and need for discipline as a positive part of school life.


  • The school's belief that good discipline is a result of consideration for others.

  • The Code of Conduct is a shared expression of expectations.

  • Discipline and the development of self-discipline are achieved through a co-operative process involving parents as well as teachers.

  • All members of the community work towards the school's aims by:

      1. respecting the children as individuals

      2. providing a well-ordered environment in which all are fully aware of behavioural expectations

      3. encouraging, praising and rewarding good behaviour

      4. promoting a sense of belonging to the community

      5. providing good role models

      6. supporting one another


  • All members of the school community must be made aware of and agree with the expectations of behaviour. This is to be achieved through staff induction and regular discussions at staff meetings.

  • Parents should receive a clear explanation of the schools' ethos before they choose the school, and a description of the schools' discipline policy.

  • Pupils are made aware that home and school are working in partnership.

  • In order to foster and promote good discipline, teachers:

  1. actively look for the positive

  2. praise, give positive feedback and reward good behaviour

  3. reinforce examples of correct behaviour wherever noted - in the children themselves, in books, in related incidents (news), through drama

  4. provide clear, consistent expectations of behaviour

Rewards and Sanctions

ISS has its own specific systems and procedures. It is the responsibility of all staff to make themselves aware of the systems operating in the school. Staff should monitor and compare the number and frequency of rewards and sanctions given in order to ensure that there is a shared understanding of standards and expectations in implementing the system.


The school reserves the right to exclude a child whose conduct, or the conduct of their parents or guardians, (whether on or off school premises or in or out of term time) has been prejudicial to good order or school discipline or to the reputation of the School. Temporary or permanent exclusion is at the discretion of the CEO. Details of the procedure are communicated in full to parents in the School’s Terms and Conditions and the Exclusion Policy.

Reporting and recording

A good relationship between parents and school is essential. Parents should feel welcome at the school and should have access to the teacher at the beginning and the end of the day and to the CEO within 24 hours of a request for a meeting.

Reports on development of discipline include:

  1. daily verbal reports

  2. comments on iSAMS

  3. written reports (including white, yellow and red report cards)

  4. parent/teacher evenings

  5. 1:1 meetings with parents

  6. 1:1 pastoral meetings with students

  7. ‘Time to talk’ meetings with students

Teachers are committed to communicating to parents any positive feedback concerning behaviour as well as pointing out areas requiring improvement.

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Email Policy


The proliferation of email traffic over the last few years has allowed us to communicate more efficiently and effectively. We are entering an even greater period of email use as students now have the ability to benefit from this form of communication. In order to ensure all parties (staff, students and parents) find that email use continues to be effective and not too burdensome there are some simple guidelines listed below.

The aims of this policy

  • to clearly articulate the School’s commitment to positive use of the email system

  • to acknowledge both the benefits and the shortcomings of communicating by email

  • to establish clear expectations for all parties regarding the use of email as a communication tool

Benefits of using email as communication tool

Email is a cheap, convenient and environmentally friendly means of communication and it can save time when used effectively. We acknowledge that email is particularly convenient for parents who are working and find it difficult to catch up with school staff during regular working hours. However, our school community values face-to-face communication and understands that this form of communication is more effective in most situations.

Email Etiquette

When communicating via email, staff, parents and students are expected to adhere to email etiquette, including:

  • Be clear about what the purpose of the email is: do you require specific action, or is the email for information only?

  • At the beginning or end of an email the sender can use ‘No reply necessary’ if the purpose is to share information only.

  • Emails work best when they are positive. Avoid using email for complaining or venting; that is not an appropriate use of the medium.

  • Be careful with emails that involve emotion.

  • Don’t use email as an excuse to avoid personal contact.

  • Humour can be easily misinterpreted, especially sarcasm, so try to avoid it unless you know the recipient very well.

  • Try to keep the email brief, and include a clear subject line as a header so people can identify swiftly if it is relevant to them.

  • Double check everything you write and avoid sending emails with basic grammatical or typing errors.

  • Avoid writing in capital letters.

  • Check who you are sending to. Group emails have the potential to waste the time of many, so the ‘Reply to All’ option should only be selected if you really need everyone on the distribution list to see your reply. It should be used sparingly.

  • If you are writing about more than one subject, do so in separate emails, as messages are more easily missed when embedded in a longer email.

  • Please note that defamatory or abusive emails should not be responded to. Recipients should immediately inform and seek counsel from colleagues or a line manager.

Expectations for staff

  • Avoid sending any emails after 6pm and at the weekend unless absolutely necessary. After composing an email, save the email in draft form then send your drafts the next working day. There may be exceptions to this, particularly during any weekend school trips/events and with the Operations and Support Departments.

  • While emails may occasionally be received out of school hours, there is no expectation to reply to colleagues immediately unless the message is of an urgent nature.

  • If a message requires immediate action, be aware that email may not be the most effective way of communicating. This is particularly true for the Academic Department, whose primary focus is to teach and supervise children and who do not have the opportunity to read and respond to emails during lessons times. You could reasonable expect any email you send to a colleague to be read within 24 hours and responded to within 2 working days.

  • Avoid sending emails to colleagues to whom it is not relevant.

  • Ensure that you are clear with your students about what is appropriate email use and that formal language and protocols are adhered to.

  • Avoid responding to simple student requests. It is important that students still come and speak to us if they have an issue and don’t rely on email to ask simple questions.

  • Only use students’ school email addresses. This is for their own protection, and if personal addresses are used this leaves staff vulnerable and thus should be avoided.

  • Acknowledge receipt of all emails from parents, and aim to respond fully to parental enquiries by meeting face-to-face, phone or email within 48 hours on a work-week.

  • Email communication with parents should be as positive as possible. If there is any form of bad news to give, communication should be either by phone, or, preferably, face-to-face via a meeting organised specifically to address concerns.

  • Do not use your personal email address for school emails.

  • Use a school format signature line, e.g.

Kind regards,
Jeremy LeesPresident and Founder

Expectations for students

  • Students should make sure that they are using staff’s school email addresses at all times, not their personal ones.

  • Consider whether it is really necessary to be contacting staff at that time. Would it be more appropriate to see them face to face at the next opportunity? Email should not be used as an excuse to avoid speaking to them.

  • The best use of email is for simple, factual information. Emailing staff is a privilege not to be abused, and should be treated as such.

  • Students’ emails to staff should always be formal and polite.

  • Students should make sure that they include their name and form on all communication - the easiest way to do this is to ensure that they have a clear ‘signature’ at the base of the email, e.g.

Kind regards,
John AdamsYear 9 student

Expectations for parents

  • When a concern or query arises, parents should communicate with the class teacher or form tutor in the first instance either:

    1. by arranging a face-to-face meeting before or after schoo

    2. by sending an email (staff email addresses can be found on the Staff page of the school website

  • If you are unsure whom to direct your message to, please contact the main office for assistance ( Please also make sure that your child’s name and form are included in the message.

  • Please only send non-vital messages by email. For example, do not use email to inform a teacher that your child is not to go to his/her ECA that afternoon, as the teacher may not see the message in time. Remember that given work demands teachers may not get to read emails until late in the day.

  • Vital messages, or messages that need to be passed on quickly, should be sent to the school secretary (

  • Please don’t seek to discuss in detail your child’s academic progress, learning expectations, or behavioural issues via email. These are best addressed over the phone or in person.

  • Remember to respect staff personal time, including weekends and holidays. Staff will do their best to respond to parent emails within 2 working days of receipt.

  • Parents should attempt to refer all school-related matters back to the school, and should not to approach other children or contact other parents directly about such issues. We are interested in working together to create a solution. If parents have a complaint to make, they should contact the appropriate Head of School to discuss the best way to do this. They may well ask for concerns to be put in writing, and email would be an efficient way to organise this.

  • It is the responsibility of every parent to keep the school administration and class teacher up-to-date with their current email addresses.

CEO - 010122

Equal Opportunities Policy

The school community reflects society and needs to understand it. The ethos of the school is one of tolerance, understanding and a striving for excellence in all. All members of the school community are encouraged to understand, appreciate and value the differences between us.

Encouragement and praise should be the foundation of relationship between staff, children and parents.


Equal opportunities underpin the value system of the school. The curriculum must display a commitment to this so that having become a pupil of the school all of the children have access to the same facilities and opportunities regardless of race, gender or religious views.

As a school we undertake to:

  1. Encourage everyone to value the contributions of others regardless of cultural and religious differences.

  2. Provide opportunities for all members of the school community to understand roles in society free from prejudice based on race, gender and religion.

  3. Provide the children with the opportunity to experience aspects of different cultures at first hand.

  4. Promote the needs and rights of others.

  5. Encourage the development of personal, social and professional relationships.

  6. Acknowledge individual’s rights and roles in the world of work and the work environment.

The curriculum will achieve these aims by:

  1. Using positive images to combat negative stereotypes.

  2. Being aware of different types of learning and developing and encouraging different teaching methods to take account of these.

  3. Using assemblies as a forum where the children are encouraged to acknowledge and celebrate individual differences.

  4. Staging events and visits with the aim of promotion equal opportunities using display materials which promote the positive contribution of women to society, racial equality, cultural diversity and awareness of disability.

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Examination's Complaints and Appeals Procedures

1. Complaints in relation to examinations

If a candidate (or their parent/guardian) has a general concern or complaint about the centre’s delivery or administration of a qualification they are following, the school encourages them to try to resolve this informally in the first instance by contacting the Exams Officer. If a complaint fails to be resolved informally the candidate (or their parent/guardian) may then follow the school’s complaints policy and procedures. A candidate (or their parent/guardian) may make a complaint about examinations at the school on the grounds below:

Teaching and learning, for example

  1. The taking of an assessment, which contributes to the final grade of the qualification, not conducted according to the JCQ/awarding body instructions

  2. The marking of an internal assessment, which contributes to the final grade of the qualification, not undertaken according to the requirements of the awarding body (complainant should refer to the centre’s internal appeals procedure)

  3. Centre fails to adhere to its internal appeals procedure

Access arrangements, for example

  1. Exam information not appropriately adapted for a disabled candidate to access it

  2. Adapted equipment put in place failed during exam/assessment

  3. Approved access arrangement(s) not put in place at the time of an exam/assessment

Entries, for example

  1. Candidate not entered/entered late (incurring a late entry fee) for a required exam/assessment

  2. Candidate entered for a wrong exam/assessment

  3. Conducting examinations, for example

  4. Inadequate invigilation in exam room

  5. Failure to conduct exam according to the regulations

  6. Alleged, suspected or actual malpractice incident not investigated/reported

Results and Post-results, for example

  1. Candidate not having access to a member of senior staff after the publication of results to discuss/make decision on the submission of an enquiry

  2. Candidate (or parent/guardian) unhappy with a result (complainant to refer via exams officer to awarding body post-results services) or with a centre decision not to support a clerical check, a review of marking, a review of moderation or an appeal (complainant to refer to the centre’s internal appeals procedure)

2. Reviews of marking - centre assessed marks

The school is committed to ensuring that whenever its staff mark candidates’ work this is done fairly, consistently and in accordance with the awarding body’s specification and subject-specific associated documents.

Candidates’ work will be marked by staff who have appropriate knowledge, understanding and skill, and who have been trained in this activity. The school is committed to ensuring that work produced by candidates is authenticated in line with the requirements of the awarding body. Where several subject teachers are involved in marking candidates’ work, internal moderation and standardisation will ensure consistency of marking.

The school will:

  • Ensure that candidates are informed of their centre assessed marks so that they may request a review of the centre’s marking before marks are submitted to the awarding body.

  • Inform candidates that they may request copies of materials to assist them in considering whether to request a review of the centre’s marking of the assessment.

  • Having received a request for copies of materials, promptly make them available to the candidate.

  • Provide candidates with sufficient time in order to allow them to review copies of materials and reach a decision.

  • Provide a clear deadline for candidates to submit a request for a review of the centre’s marking. Requests will not be accepted after this deadline. Requests must be made in writing.

  • Allow sufficient time for the review to be carried out, to make any necessary changes to marks and to inform the candidate of the outcome, all before the awarding body’s deadline.

  • Ensure that the review of marking is carried out by an assessor who has appropriate competence, has had no previous involvement in the assessment of that candidate and has no personal interest in the review.

  • Instruct the reviewer to ensure that the candidate’s mark is consistent with the standard set by the centre.

  • Inform the candidate in writing of the outcome of the review of the centre’s marking.

The outcome of the review of the centre’s marking will be made known to the head of centre. A written record of the review will be kept and made available to the awarding body upon request.

Each Awarding Body specifies detailed criteria for the internal assessment of work. The internal review process is in place to ensure consistency of marking within the centre, whereas moderation by the Awarding Body ensures that centre marking is line with national and international standards. The moderation process carried out by the Awarding Bodies may result in a mark change, either upwards or downwards, even after an internal review. Thus, the mark submitted to the Awarding Body is subject to change and should therefore be considered provisional; the final judgement on marks awarded is that of the Awarding Body. Appeals against matters outside the school’s control will not be considered in the school’s Examination Appeals Procedure.

3. Appeals against Internally Assessed Marks - Procedures

Appeals may be made to the school regarding the procedures used in internal assessment, such as controlled assessment/coursework. NB the appeal applies only to the procedures used in arriving at internal assessment decisions and does not apply to the judgement itself, i.e. not the mark or grade.

Most often, a disagreement on internally assessed marks can be resolved by discussion between the teacher and the candidate concerned. When this is not the case, then the parent/guardian may appeal to the CEO, who will put into action the agreed appeals process set out below. It is expected that the appeals process will be used only in exceptional circumstances.

  1. The CEO is in overall charge of managing appeals relating to internal assessments.

  2. If a candidate (via their parent/guardian) wishes to appeal about their internal assessment marks, then the following procedures should be followed:

    • The appeal should be made in writing to the CEO stating the details of the complaint and the reasons for the appeal.

    • The appeal should normally be submitted by 30th April for examinations in the summer series (this deadline may be extended in exceptional circumstances where the controlled assessment/coursework marking, and moderation schedule extends beyond this time).

    • The teacher(s) concerned in marking the assessment which is the subject of the appeal will respond to the appeal in writing and a copy will be sent to the parent/guardian.

    • If the parent/guardian is not satisfied with the written response they have received then they can request a personal hearing before a panel:

    • The panel will consist of the CEO, Head of Senior School and the Exams Officer.

    • The request for a personal hearing must be made within two days of receipt of the written reply to the initial appeal.

    • The parent/guardian will be given at least two days’ notice of the hearing date.

    • A breakdown of the marks awarded will be provided in advance of the appeal.

    • The teacher(s) involved will be present at the hearing.

    • The CEO will convey the outcome of an appeal and the reasons for that outcome in writing to the parent/guardian.

    • The school will maintain a written record of all appeals.

    • The school will inform the Awarding Body (exam board) of any change to an internally assessed mark as a result of an appeal.

  3. If the parent/guardian remains unsatisfied, the case can be referred to the Examinations Appeals Board (EAB). NB This service applies where Awarding Bodies’ normal enquiries and appeals procedures have been exhausted.

The internal appeals procedures stated above have been produced to demonstrate compliance with the following:

Appellants should consult the full information in the above publications to be fully informed when stating their grounds for appeal. Further information can be obtained from:

4. Appeals against Externally Assessed Marks (Enquiry about Results – EAR)

Following the issue of results, the general qualification awarding bodies offer post results services. Each Awarding Body publishes procedures for appeals against its decisions, details of which are available on their websites (under Post Results Services); full details of these services, internal deadlines for requesting a service and fees charged will also be provided by the exams officer. The service, enquiries about results (EARs), may be requested by centre staff or candidates (or their parents/guardians) if there are reasonable grounds for believing there has been an error in marking.

Where a student is unhappy with the mark/grade awarded for a particular examination unit a clerical check or re-mark may be requested from the awarding body via the Exams Officer. The decision as to whether to support such an enquiry will be made by the school on the basis of several factors, including knowledge of the exam system and professional judgement. The students will be required to acknowledge that their marks and subject grades may be confirmed, raised or lowered following a review of marking.

Awarding bodies will only accept applications for reviews of marking from centres and not from candidates or their parents, therefore the Exams Officer is accessible to candidates immediately after the publication of results so that results may be discussed, and decisions made on the submission of enquiries.

The awarding bodies offer the following enquiry about results services:

  • Service 1 (Clerical re-check). This service will include the following checks:

    1. that all parts of the script have been marked;

    2. the totalling of marks;

    3. the recording of marks.

The outcome of the re-check will be reported along with a statement of the total marks awarded for each unit, or component, included in the enquiry. Only Service 1 clerical re-checks can be requested for objective tests (multiple choice tests).

  • Service 2 (Review of marking). This is a post-results review of the original marking to ensure that the agreed mark scheme has been applied correctly. It is not a re-marking of the candidate’s script. The service is available for externally assessed components of both unitised and linear specifications and will include:

    1. the clerical re-checks detailed in Service 1;

    2. a review of marking as described above.

  • Priority Service 2 (Review of marking). This is a priority post-results review of the original marking to ensure that the agreed mark scheme has been applied correctly. It is not a re-marking of the candidate’s script. This service is only available if a GCE A-level candidate’s place in higher education is dependent on the outcome.

The outcome of each enquiry will be confirmed by the respective awarding body and will be shared with the candidates.

The awarding body will provide a reason for the decision of a review of marking. If the mark has changed the reason will either be that an administrative error has occurred or there was a marking error. If there is a disparity of two qualification grades or more between the original marker and the reviewer, the awarding body will automatically provide the centre with specific details.

Where a grade changes and a certificate has previously been the issued, once the centre has returned the original certificate to the awarding body a replacement will be the issued showing the revised grade. Where there has been a reduction in marks or a downgrade, the request cannot be revoked and the original mark or grade cannot be reinstated.

5. Further actions

If the school remains unsatisfied after receiving the outcome of an enquiry about results, it will follow the subsequent appeals process, available on the JCQ website This site also provides full details of the awarding bodies’ appeals processes and the associated timescales.

Appeals can only be submitted after the outcome of an enquiry about results has been reported to the centre. Only the head of centre can submit an appeal to the relevant awarding body. Appeals must be made in writing and clearly state the grounds for appeal. Awarding bodies may charge a fee for appeals. This fee will be refunded if the appeal is upheld.

NB An appeal against a moderation decision cannot be made on behalf of an individual candidate.

6. Appeals procedure against centre decisions not to support an enquiry about results

If a query is raised about a particular examination result, the Exams Officer, teaching staff and Head of Centre will investigate the feasibility of requesting an enquiry at the centre’s expense. When the school does not uphold a request from a candidate, the candidate may pay the appropriate fee, and a request will be made to the awarding body on the candidate’s behalf.

In deciding whether to support an appeal, the school will take account of all relevant factors and afford candidates or their parents/guardians a reasonable opportunity to express their views. If the candidate (or their parent/guardian) believes there are grounds to appeal against the centre’s decision not to support an enquiry, an appeal can be submitted to the centre using the internal appeals form at least one week prior to the internal deadline for submitting an EAR.

CEO - 010122

Food Hygiene and Dietary Policy


This policy outlines the School’s responsibility to be mindful of the special dietary requirements of pupils from religious groups and culture, vegetarians and vegans and to ensure that medical, dietary and food hygiene requirements are satisfied.


  1. To identify all pupils with special dietary needs.

  2. To ensure that special dietary needs are met and catered for wherever possible.

  3. To ensure the preparation and facilitation of all dietary needs are carried out in accordance with good food hygiene practices.

School kitchen, food from home and diets

The school has its own purpose built kitchen and produces lunch every day as well as fruit at break time. The emphasis is on healthy eating. The bringing of snacks and sugary drinks in to school is not encouraged. For many pupils, dietary considerations are very important and the school is keen to work with parents to provide a suitable diet.


In view of the number of children who suffer from allergies, peanuts and peanut butter are absolutely not allowed in the school and should not be used in any circumstances. Vigilance is to be exercised about any food coming into school.

Procedure for notifying the school about dietary needs

  1. Parents of new and/or current pupils are to notify the school First Aid Officer in writing of their child’s dietary needs and allergies.

  2. The First Aid Officer will ensure that all catering and academic staff are made aware of the identities of all pupils with special dietary needs and allergies and what to do in the event of an emergency.

  3. In certain circumstances, it may be necessary to ask the severely allergic pupils to bring in their own packed lunches.

  4. It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the school immediately of any change in circumstances which will be dealt with under the procedure of Point 1.

Packed Lunches

Pupils who bring in to school their own ‘packed lunch’ are provided with storage facilities on the school grounds free of charge. In order to ensure that the school adheres to recognised food hygiene procedures, pupils are not permitted to use any food preparation facilities on the school grounds including microwaves, hot water making facilities or gas/electric cooking facilities.


A number of parents like to bring in birthday cakes for their children. Whilst the school understands this, parents are encouraged to be mindful of the wishes of other parents whose children may have allergies and/or prefer sweet snacks not to be consumed at school. No “fast food” deliveries will be accepted to school at any time.

CEO - 010122

Health & Safety Policy

1. Policy Statement & Aims

No activity in ISS is more important than ensuring that practical and effective measures are in place to protect the health and safety of our pupils, parents, team and those visiting the school. In implementing this policy, ISS not only complies with the latest relevant legislation officially but also encourages best practice initiatives for protecting the health, safety and environment of those affected by its activities.

To achieve this, ISS's specific objectives are to provide safe and healthy conditions to study and work to maintain the highest safety standards in work procedures and operation of equipment. Furthermore, through training, supervision and provision of information, the school is committed to ensuring a safe place of work for both ISS employees and all others who come into contact with them.

ISS, through its commitment to this policy:

  1. Seeks to avoid harm to health, or injury to all within the ISS community and its campus.

  2. Recognises the importance of the involvement and commitment of senior management and responsibility of each and every employee in the application of this policy. Managers, supervisors and employees at all levels are held accountable for their health, safety and environmental performance.

  3. Acknowledges the principle that all accidents can be prevented and actively promotes, among all those associated with its activities, the highest standards of safety awareness and performance

  4. Has established procedures to ensure that health, safety, environmental and hygiene factors are taken fully into account in the introduction of new processes, machines, materials and any changes which may take place in relation to such items and activities.

  5. Applies appropriate measures to minimise any adverse effects of its operations on the environment.

  6. Observes all relevant legal requirements.

  7. Has regard to relevant approved codes of practice and other guidance documentation.

  8. Maintains an effective system for monitoring and reviewing health, safety and environmental performance.

  9. Provides an effective system of communication on safety related matters.

  10. Provides safety education designed to raise awareness of occupational health matters and prevent ill¬ health and accidents by instilling the culture of acceptance of personal responsibility by everybody for health safety and hygiene.

  11. Provides appropriate training, and retraining where necessary, in the knowledge and skills required for each individual operation and activity at all levels.

  12. Carries out health and safety audits.

  13. Ensures that local Food Safety Regulations are addressed, understood and the necessary controls implemented.

2. Practice and Procedures

Health & Safety Committee

The school Health & Safety Committee provide a positive lead in ensuring the school adheres to health and safety requirements and any risks are minimised. The Committee will consist of the CEO, Operations Manager & Procurement Manager, Head of Primary School & Head of Senior School.

The Committee will meet at least termly but can meet as often as required to support the health & safety requirements of the school. Agendas will be circulated and minutes taken for all meetings (by CEO). Any staff may add items to the agenda of the Health & Safety Committee by contacting the CEO.

Risk Assessments & Risk Register

All staff are also required to act in a safe way themselves, use protective equipment provided and report any process, feature or equipment that is currently hazardous or hazardous in the future. All staff must report, in the first instance, to the CEO or Operations & Procurement Manager.

Staff have an obligation to co-operate fully in Health and Safety matters by ensuring that all areas are safe for themselves and others. Staff must ensure that they have appropriate up to date risk assessments to support their teaching and activities organised.

Risk Assessments are prepared, reviewed, actioned and updated on an ongoing basis to support operations / activities within the school and also official school trips outside the school. The school's Risk Assessment template should be used.

Once completed all risk assessments must be sent to the relevant Head of School and CEO for approval (by both) before any activity commences. A Risk Assessment to support scheduled external trips must be sent at least 14 days in advance whilst other unscheduled events must be submitted at least 48 hours in advance.

The CEO will maintain a central risk register which is supported by the various risk assessments.

Reporting of Accidents / Incidents (including behavioural concerns)

A) Definitions and abbreviations

An Accident: An event resulting in injury (needing ER/doctor referral)

An Incident: An event that has the potential to cause harm or injury

Behavioural Concern: A behaviour that is considered a serious breach of school values/ expectations

B) Reporting an Accident / Incident / behavioural concern involving a student

  1. Concern raised verbally or via email to the Deputy Head as soon as practically possible

  2. CEO and relevant Head of School are notified immediately of any significant incidents

  3. Accident / Incident Report form (on-line form) to be completed by 4.00pm on the day of the accident/ incident occurring

  4. The online form is available here (click)

  5. For serious incidents the CEO conducts an investigation and requests further information/ clarification as required.

  6. The School Secretary maintains a central file / log of all Accident/ Incident Reports (Children)

  7. If there is a child protection component to the incident then you must fill out in hard copy (not online) and personally hand it to the Child Protection Officer (CPO) in a sealed envelope. If the incident involves the CEO then the sealed envelope must be personally handed to the President of the Executive Board.

C) Accident / Incident Involving an Adult

  1. Concern raised verbally or via email to CEO as soon as practically possible.

  2. CEO notifies the President of the Executive Board of any significant incidents.

  3. Accident / Incident Report form (on-line) to be completed by 4.00pm on the day of the accident/ incident occurring

  4. The online form is available here (click) –refer to Appendix 2

  5. For serious incidents the CEO conducts an investigation and requests further information/ clarification as required.

  6. The School Secretary maintains a central file / log of all Accident/ Incident Reports (Adults)

Toys and Devices

In the interests of health & safety and in order to minimise the risk of injury, students are not allowed to bring the following toys to school:

  • Scooters

  • Bicycles

  • Roller Skates

  • Skate Boards

  • Toy guns/knives

  • Toys that shoot projectiles

The students should not bring any valuables to school, as we cannot guarantee that they will be kept safe.

Senior school students can bring a mobile phone to school, on the condition that it is kept in a locker in the security guard’s office throughout the school day.

Nut Allergy

Nuts are a commonly-used ingredient in Thai cuisine and therefore we cannot guarantee that ISS is a nut free school. All staff are aware of any children who have a nut allergy and staff, parents and children are made aware in advance when nuts may be included in the school menu. We ask that children do not bring peanut snacks to school and children with nut allergies are asked to bring their own packed lunch to school.


Smoking is prohibited at all times within the school campus (except in designated area).

Safer Recruitment

Key staff involved in the recruitment are provided with safer recruitment training (through ChildLine). There must be at least one trained member of staff on each selection panel before an appointment is made. If no trained member of staff (on safer recruitment) is available then the interview must be rescheduled.

The safer recruitment practices adopted at the school ensure that all staff with unrestricted access to children include the following:

  1. Staff who have lived in the UK have prohibition clearance from UK.

  2. Staff who have lived outside the UK provide local police checks to cover their period of overseas residence.

  3. Staff must obtain International Child protection Certificate (ICPC).

  4. Staff have at least two references on file with a series of child protection questions answered.

A Central Register and employee files are maintained to evidence the above.

Staffing & Resources

The Master copies of all Health & Safety documents are kept by the CEO and should be consulted by all staff as required. Health & safety is the responsibility of every member of staff at the school, the school management and ultimately the CEO who is responsible and accountable to the Executive Board for health & safety matters.

Monitoring and review

This policy is monitored on a termly basis by the Health and Safety Committee and is under constant review.

CEO - 010122

Medication Policy

This policy concerns the administering of medication to children at ISS.

  1. Non-prescribed medication can be administered to children by the school nurse, any member of the ISS teaching staff or the ISS office staff for minor cuts and bruises.

  2. Non-prescribed medication can only be administered orally by staff if the parent or guardian has given verbal or written authorisation.

  3. Prescribed medication can only be administered by the school nurse, school secretary or designated member of staff if the parent has filled out and signed a Medication form, this needs to be seen by the form teacher and school secretary.

  4. No creams should be administered other than sun tan lotion.

  5. All cuts and bruises should be cleaned with antiseptic lotion.

  6. Sterile gloves should be worn at all times when dealing with any cuts, bruises or infections.

  7. Individually wrapped sterile adhesive dressings are safe to use provided that they are not used on anyone who may suffer an allergic reaction to certain types of plaster. Before plasters are used, first aiders must establish whether the person requiring treatment has such an allergy. If the person has such an allergy, an alternative non allergic sterile plaster or dressing should be used, if available.

  8. Dressings should be used sparingly. Cuts must be cleaned with both antiseptic lotion such as TCP as well as with water.

  9. All Epipens/ventilators etc. must be kept in a safe place accompanied by a letter from the parents stating exactly when and how they are to be administered.

  10. All medicines are to be kept in the infirmary and to be administered by the school nurse only. However, it is the responsibility of the form or class teacher to ensure that the child "appears" or is escorted as appropriate to the infirmary at the correct time for administration of the medication.

CEO - 010122

Mobile Phone Policy


Mobile phones are intrusive, inconvenient and distracting in a school situation. In addition to the inconvenience, mobile phones are a potential and real source of bullying and abuse through text messaging, social media and through the dissemination of inappropriate images.

School Policy

It is school policy to ban the use of mobile phones in any way or for any purpose by pupils on school grounds at any time both during school or outside of school hours or while participating in any school related activities. All communication devices are also strictly prohibited.

School Grounds

School Grounds are considered to be all structures and land enclosed within the school perimeter fence as well as the entirety of the concreted car park and pathways outside of the school perimeter fence.

Contact with Home

Essential contact with home can be facilitated through the school. Students can approach their class or form tutor during any time of the day and request to call home. Once permission has been obtained, by means of a signed note to the secretary, they can visit the school secretary and call home using the school phone.


If a pupil brings a mobile phone to school, the pupil must ensure that the phone is handed in to the security guard on entering the school grounds. The phone will be stored securely in a specially allocated locker and the key for the locker given to the pupil. At the end of the school day the pupil may retrieve their mobile phone from the school security guard.

Confiscation of Mobile Phone

If a phone is seen or rings or is used in any fashion during or after school hours on school grounds it will be confiscated and retained by the Head of School for 2 weeks from the day of infringement.


The use of mobile phones without the prior permission of any member of staff or any recording device, during school hours, or while participating in any school related activities will be treated as a serious breach of school discipline. In the event of any unsuitable recording occurring all interested parties will be requested to present themselves to the school.

CEO - 010122

Motorcycle & Car Policy (Students)


This policy seeks to reach a workable and pragmatic compromise between the serious safety and legal concerns that the school has with regards to children driving to school on motorcycles and in cars, balanced against the cultural attitudes/expectations and reality of driving motorcycles and cars in Thailand.

This policy in no way whatsoever removes the responsibility that parents and guardians have for their children with regards to the Laws of Thailand, specifically the legal age limits for driving a motorcycle or car and the legal requirement to wear a helmet whilst riding a motorcycle.

Furthermore this policy in no way whatsoever removes the right of the school to act, at any time and in any way it deems appropriate, when in the school’s own personal judgement the actions of a student, parent or guardian are detrimental to the standing of the school or the overall ability of the school to set a principled and balanced set of standards and guidelines for its student body as a whole. The school reserves the right to act in whatever manner it feels fit using its judgement based on the cultural parameters and sensitivities of the local community that it finds itself in.


Only students with a current Thai driving licence valid for their vehicle are entitled to ride their motorcycle or drive their car onto school property and park in the school parking areas. Parents must sign and return a copy of this policy to the school secretary before permission can be granted.

Vehicles must have valid tax and insurance, and students riding a motorcycle must wear a helmet at all times. Any student wishing to be a passenger in or on a vehicle driven by an ISS student must provide their parents’ written permission to do so. All permissions relating to vehicles are granted at the discretion of the school.

Plea from the school

The roads on Koh Samui are extremely dangerous especially so for motorcycles. Deaths of motorcycle drivers, particularly teenagers and young adults, are sadly very common. The school abhors the thought of any student at ISS dying on the roads as a result of riding a motorcycle or driving a car. The school pleads with parents to find alternative methods of transportation for their children on the roads of Koh Samui.


  • Parents and Guardians take full responsibility for their child’s safety on the roads of Koh Samui.

  • The International School of Samui or any of its staff has no responsibility whatsoever for the safety of any student on the roads of Koh Samui at any time and in any instance.

  • The International School of Samui is not responsible whatsoever for any motorcycle or car (or contents contained in or on it) that is damaged or stolen in any way both on school property and elsewhere.

  • The International School of Samui is not responsible whatsoever for any accident/injury or death that may result from a student driving either at school or on the way to or from school or at any other time.

By signing this policy you accept the school’s Motorcycle and Car Policy.

Parent/Guardian Name: ………………………………………… Student Name: ……………………………...

Parent/Guardian Signature: …………………………………….. Date: ………………………………………...

CEO - 010122

Security Policy


Our aim is to provide a safe and secure environment for our pupils, staff and visitors. Our Security Policy ensures that we have in place effective procedures to enable us to achieve this aim.

Roles & Responsibilities

Management Responsibility - School security is shared between the School Board and CEO.

Role of the School Board

The main role of the School Board is to ensure that the school has and maintains policies and procedures to ensure the safety of the staff, pupils and visitors. The school accesses external support and advice on further requirements, legislative changes and international best practice. The CEO is responsible for formulating the Security Policy and monitoring its implementation.

Role of the CEO

The CEO will be responsible for implementing the Security Policy agreed by the School Board.

The CEO will ensure:

  • All staff appreciate the importance of security and understand the school’s policy and their responsibilities

  • Staff training needs are kept under review and training as necessary

  • Parents are informed of the security Policy and encouraged to help

  • Routine security checks are carried out on an on-going basis by the Site Manager

Guidelines for School Security

  • All staff must challenge visitors who are not wearing a visitor’s badge

  • All visitors, including contractors, must report to main security office entrance, sign in the visitors book and wear a visitor’s badge

  • Parents to be reminded of our security strategies on a regular basis through letters and meetings

  • All visitors must follow the School’s specified route to and from their visiting location, ensuring they exit via the Security Office

  • All staff must ensure that the people trying to gain entry to the School must enter via the Security Office


  • All external doors to be kept locked when the rooms are empty

  • All rooms containing equipment that may pose a risk to be kept locked at all times

External School Areas

  • Children must not play in areas that are out of bounds

  • All staff to challenge visitors not identified by an ID badge on the school grounds during playtimes;

Security of Equipment

Inside School Buildings:

  • All expensive, portable equipment to be marked as belonging to the School

  • Staff to be responsible for returning equipment to their secure area

  • All portable expensive equipment to be stored in a secure area when the school is closed

Outside School Buildings:

  • Digital CCTV in operation across the school site 24hours per day

  • Security gates and fencing around the school to prevent intrusion

  • Security Office, Security Guard and Keypad door locks

Security of Staff, Visitors, Pupils and Equipment during out of school hours:

  • All rooms, apart from those required, to be locked

  • For outside events – access only to be given to toilets and necessary rooms, all other areas to be locked down. Internal supervision to be provided at all times

  • Following events a full maintenance ‘sweep’ to be carried out to monitor damage and check buildings are empty

  • External provider charges must include additional time for security measures

CEO - 010122

Sickness & Infection Policy


This policy outlines the School’s responsibility to provide adequate and appropriate protection to pupils, staff, parents and visitors from the risk of sickness and infection from other individuals and the procedures in place to meet that responsibility.

The CEO is responsible for the health of ISS employees and anyone else on the premises. This includes the teachers, non-teaching staff, pupils and visitors (including contractors).


The School has a dedicated Infirmary for minor medical treatment and care of children and staff during school hours. It is not the responsibility of the school to provide medical treatment to pupils who are sick.

Parental responsibility

Parents and legal guardians are responsible for ensuring that they do not bring their children to school if they are sick or if they have any known infections that may be passed onto other pupils, staff, parents or visitors.

School responsibility

Pupils or staff who show symptoms of sickness or pose a risk of infection to others will be taken to the school infirmary. The school Nurse will then assess the level of sickness or infection.

Parents or legal guardians of pupils deemed to be sick or to pose a risk of infection to others will be informed by the school office and requested to pick them up from school at the earliest opportunity. The Nurse will also inform the parents or legal guardians when the child may return to school and give any further advice that the parents may require.

Staff deemed to be sick or pose a risk of infection to others will be given sick leave until the risk of infection is clear. Cover arrangements will be put in place by the staff member’s immediate supervisor.

Providing information

The School Nurse will provide information to parents and staff about current illnesses being experienced on the Island and in the school.

Record keeping

All visits to the school Nurse are recorded in the school medical book.

Sickness and Infection Policy

The CEO's decision is final.

CEO - 010122

Terms & Conditions

1. Terms and Conditions

a) The School is the International School of Samui, which is a Formal School, operating in accordance with the Private School Act B.E. 2550 as amended by the Private School Act (No. 2) B.E. 2554 with license number 004/2553. The School is a registered Juristic Person in accordance with Section 24 of the Private School Act B.E. 2550 as amended by the Private School Act (No. 2) B.E. 2554 with Bluewater Samui Co. Ltd., a juristic person under the Civil and Commercial Code of Thailand Ltd., registered as the licensee, with Khun Waranya Funoi named as the representative of the licensee in accordance with Section 22 of the Private School Act B.E. 2550 as amended by the Private School Act (No. 2) B.E. 2554. The School is Governed by an Executive Board (the “Board”) in accordance with Section 30 of the Private School Act B.E. 2550 as amended by the Private School Act (No. 2) B.E. 2554. It is assumed that a pupil will, subject to conduct and academic attainments, progress through the School and complete the appropriate Year.

b) The CEO is the person appointed by the Board to be responsible for the pupil and includes those to whom any of the duties of the CEO or the School have been responsibly delegated.

c) The Parent/s are those who have parental responsibility and those referred to at clause 4 c) of these terms and conditions individually and jointly. Parents are expected to give their support and encouragement to the aims of the School and to uphold and promote its good name; to continue the pupil’s education at home and to ensure that the pupil maintains appropriate standards of punctuality, behaviour, diligence, language, discipline and dress.

d) Our Aims: The aims of the School are described in the School website. In addition, the School aims to strike the balance between academic and practical work, physical education, moral and spiritual development and the pursuit of leisure activities. We are committed to high standards of teaching and care and we welcome parental contact. The School is a private, self-regulating community, which respects the human rights of pupils and their parents, who in turn accept that the School's lawful policies, disciplines and rules must sometimes take precedence over the wishes of individuals. The School is an environment in which pupils are encouraged to participate in work and leisure activities with enthusiasm and commitment and to behave with tolerance and understanding, respecting the needs of others.

e) Changes at the School: A successful school must initiate and respond to change. The offer of a place and its acceptance are given on the basis that, in the interests of the School as a whole, reasonable changes may be made from time to time to these standard terms and conditions, to the size and location of the School, to its premises and facilities, to the academic and games curriculum and the structure and composition of classes and the way the School is run, to the rules and disciplinary framework, to the length of the school terms and the school day and to any other aspect of the School. Fee levels will be reviewed each year and there will be reasonable increases from time to time. If the Ownership or legal status of the School changes, the School’s rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions will be deemed assigned to the new entity. Parents would be consulted and/or given adequate notice of any significant proposals or change of policy likely to affect the school community as a whole.

f) The Standard Terms and Conditions: We believe that these standard terms and conditions reflect the customs and practice of independent schools for many generations. The rules about change and about notice and fees in lieu of notice and the other rules set out below are provided in good faith. They promote stability, forward-planning and the proper resourcing and development of the School. They help also to protect parents from increases in fees and liabilities caused by the defaults of others. Any waiver is effective only if given in writing by the CEO personally. The Fee Schedule and all School Policies, as varied from time to time, are part of these Terms and Conditions. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions affects the statutory rights of parents.

2. Care and Good Discipline

a) Parents’ Authority: The parents authorise the CEO while in loco parentis to take and/or authorise in good faith all decisions that safeguard and promote the pupil’s welfare. Parents’ consent to such physical contact as may be lawful, appropriate and proper for teaching and to provide comfort to a pupil in distress or to maintain safety and good order or in connection with the pupil's health. (Corporal punishment is not used.) The CEO may also consent on behalf of the parents to the pupil receiving emergency medical treatment including blood transfusions within Thailand, general anaesthetic and operations at a private hospital where certified by a person who is appropriately qualified, necessary for the pupil’s welfare and if parents cannot be contacted in time.

b) Conduct and Attendance: We attach importance to courtesy, integrity, manners and good discipline. The pupil is expected to take a full part in the activities of the school, to attend punctually on each school day, to work hard, to be well behaved and to comply with the School Rules about the wearing of uniform. All pupils will receive health education appropriate to age in accordance with the curriculum from time to time.

c) The Pupil’s Health: The CEO may at any time require a medical opinion or certificate as to the pupil’s general health. The age of the pupil will be calculated in accordance with Thai custom. Parents must inform the CEO in writing if the pupil has any known medical condition, health problem or allergy or will be unable to take part in games or sporting activities or has been in contact with infectious diseases.

d) Conduct of the School: The CEO is responsible for the care and good discipline of pupils while they are in the charge of the School or its staff and for the day to day running of the School and the curriculum. The CEO is responsible also for the imposition of any sanction including exclusion for non-payment of fees, suspension during investigation or following a breach of school discipline, and removal or expulsion under clause 6 below. The CEO is not responsible, unless negligent, for a pupil who is absent from the School in breach of school discipline. It is a condition of remaining at the School that parents and the pupil accept the school regime and the Rules (in so far as they are lawful and reasonable) as to appearance and dress and the rules of school discipline that apply from time to time.

e) The School Rules: Each pupil is supplied with information about the collective School Rules and Policies giving information about the ethos and rules at the School. The purpose of the collective School Rules is to help every pupil to know what is expected and to encourage courtesy and consideration for others. Each pupil and parent should read all School Policies and other pertinent information available to them in order to have an understanding of the collective School Rules.

3. Admission and Entry to the School

a) Registration: Pupils will be considered as candidates for admission and entry to the School when the Application Form has been completed and returned to us. Admission and entry will be subject to the availability of a place and the pupil satisfying the admission requirements at the time.

b) Offer of a Place and Registration Fee/s: The Joining Fee is a sum of money payable on acceptance of a place and is non-refundable.

c) Moving to Primary School, Senior School & Sixth Form: A pupil who is moving from the Early Years to the Primary School, from the Primary School to the Senior School, or from the Senior School to the Sixth Form will be required to show ability to do so, in both work and attitude.

4. Fees and Extras

a) Items Covered: Fees cover the normal curriculum, including class music, drama, swimming, games, and transport within the curriculum, together with most books and stationery and lunch. Other items incurred by the School or the pupil, including musical instrument tuition, the minibus home-to-school service, uniforms, obligatory class trips to places of interest and most clubs after school may be charged as Extras in arrears. The pupil is for these purposes agent of the parents. Damage done by a pupil, other than fair wear and tear, may be separately invoiced and must be paid as an extra.

b) Payment of fees and extras: Each invoice must be paid before the due date stated on the invoice. A pupil may be excluded from the School at any time when fees are unpaid and will be deemed withdrawn without notice 28 days after exclusion. (Then a term’s fees in lieu of notice will be payable.) The School is agent only in respect of any goods and services which are supplied by a third party via the School to pupils or their parents. Fees will not be refunded or waived for absence through sickness; or if a term is shortened or a vacation extended; or if a pupil is released home after public or private examinations or otherwise before the normal end of term; or for any other cause except in the sole discretion of the CEO.

c) Responsibility for payment: Fees are the joint and several responsibility of each person who has signed the Application Form or who has parental responsibility for the pupil or has paid any fees or has returned the pupil to the School or given instructions in relation to the pupil. The School may withhold any information or property while fees are unpaid.

d) Payment of fees by a third party: An agreement with a third party to pay the fees or any other sum due to the School does not release parents from any liability under these terms and conditions unless an express release has been given in writing signed by the CEO. The School reserves the right to refuse a payment from a third party. All such payments received are accepted in good faith.

e) Late Payment: The right is reserved to make late payment charges composed of either an administration charge (as set out in the Fee Schedule) and/or simple interest calculated at 10%, and all other administration and legal costs in relation to any sums that are unpaid by the due date. It is agreed that the amount of all late payment charges should reflect the commercial rates that would be applied by a financial institution in a case of unauthorised and unsecured borrowing. Such charges will be recoverable by action if necessary. Cheques delivered at any time after the first day of term will be presented immediately and will not be considered as payment until cleared. Any sum tendered that is less than the sum due and owing may in any event be accepted by the School on account only. The rules in clauses 4 and 5 of these terms and conditions are intended to protect those parents who pay fees on time and to safeguard the School against consequences of the defaults of others.

f) Scholarships and Awards of Fees: Every scholarship and award is subject to high standards of behaviour, attendance and work. The terms of a scholarship or bursary and in particular the terms upon which benefits may become repayable are set out in the offer letter (where applicable) to parents.

g) Instalment arrangements: An agreement by the School to accept payment of fees by standing order or direct debit or any other arrangement for payment of fees by instalments will cease automatically in the event of any default for 30 days or more. On ceasing, the full amount of fees then due shall be payable forthwith as a debt and interest will start to accrue.

5. Events Requiring Notice in Writing

a) Definitions

Notice to be given by parents means (unless the contrary is stated in these terms and conditions) a term’s written notice addressed to and actually received by the CEO. No other notice will suffice. Notices must be hand delivered or sent by recorded or guaranteed delivery post to the school address or sent by email to

Provisional Notice is valid only for the term in which it is given and only when written and accepted in writing by the CEO.

Term means the period between and including the first and last days of each school term.

A Term’s Notice means notice given before the first day of term and expiring at the end of term. Half a Term’s Notice means notice given before the first day of term expiring at half term, or notice given before half term expiring at the end of term.

Fees in lieu (of notice) means fees in full for the term of notice at the rate that would have applied had the pupil attended and not limited to the parental contribution in the case of a scholarship or award.

b) Cancelling Acceptance: The Joining Fee will be forfeited in full and retained by the School if the parents cancel their acceptance of a place before entry or the pupil does not join the School. Parents who withdraw giving a full term’s notice before entry will not have to pay fees in lieu but the Joining Fee will be retained by the School. Cases of serious illness or genuine hardship may receive special consideration on written request.

c) Withdrawal from the School: A clear term’s notice must be given to the CEO in writing before a pupil is withdrawn from the School or a term’s fees in lieu will be due and payable as a debt at the rate applicable on the date of invoice whether or not the place can be filled. The pupil’s decision to withdraw from the School shall, for these purposes, be treated as a withdrawal by the parents. The School Year is deemed to start on 15 August in each year. The main reason for these rules is to ensure that the School has sufficient notice with which to plan fee levels, other resources and the curriculum.

d) Discontinuing Extras: Half a term’s written notice is required to discontinue an extra or half a term’s fees for the extra will be payable in lieu as a debt.

e) Notice by the School: The School may terminate this agreement on one term’s written notice sent by ordinary post and email and otherwise under clauses 6 a) and b) below.

6. Removal and Expulsion of a Pupil

a) Removal at the Request of the School: Parents may be required, during or at the end of a term, to remove the pupil, without refund of fees, temporarily or permanently from the School if, after consultation with a parent, the CEO is of the opinion that the conduct or progress (whether on or off school premises or in or out of term time) of the pupil has been unsatisfactory or if the pupil, in the judgement of the CEO, is unwilling or unable to profit from the educational opportunities offered or moral boundaries expected (or a parent or pupil has treated the School, members of its staff or other pupils unreasonably, including by means of social media, any other digital means, or any other means) and in any such case removal is considered to be warranted. Fees in lieu of notice will not be charged in the event of removal from the School but all outstanding fees will be payable in full.

b) Exclusion, Expulsion, Suspension or Removal: A pupil may be excluded, expelled, suspended or removed from school at any time if the CEO is reasonably satisfied that the pupil’s conduct (whether on or off school premises or in or out of term time) has been prejudicial to good order or school discipline or the reputation of the School or to the well-being or mental health of other pupils or staff. The CEO will act fairly and in accordance with the procedures of natural justice and will not expel a pupil other than in grave circumstances. There will be no refund of fees following expulsion (and all unpaid fees must be paid). Fees in lieu of notice will not be charged.

c) Discretion of CEO: The decision to exclude, suspend or require removal or expel a pupil and the manner and form of any announcement shall be at the sole discretion of the CEO. In no circumstances shall the School or its staff be required to divulge to parent/s or others any confidential information or the identities of pupils or others who have given information which has led to suspension, the requirement to remove or expulsion or which the CEO has acquired during an investigation.

d) Access: A pupil who has been withdrawn, excluded, suspended, removed or expelled from the School has no right to enter school premises without the written permission of the CEO.

7. General Conditions

a) Special Precautions: The CEO needs to be aware of any matters that are relevant to the pupil’s security and safety. The CEO must therefore be notified in writing immediately of any court orders or situations of risk in relation to a pupil for whom any special safety precautions may be needed. A parent may be excluded from school premises if the CEO, acting in a proper manner, considers such exclusion to be in the best interests of the pupil or of the School.

b) Residence during Term Time: The CEO must be notified in writing immediately if a pupil will be residing other than with a person who has parental responsibility.

c) Absence of Parents: When both parents will be absent from the pupils’ home for a 24 hour period or longer, the School requires, in writing, the name, address and telephone number for 24 hour contact of the adult to whom parental responsibility has been delegated in loco parentis.

d) Liability and Insurances: The School does not, unless negligent, accept responsibility for accidental injury or loss of property. The School undertakes to maintain those insurances which are prescribed by law. All other insurances are the responsibility of parents including insurance of the pupil’s personal property whilst at school or on the way to or from school or on any school sponsored activity away from the School. The School is not the agent of the parents for any purpose related to insurance.

e) Pupils’ Personal Property: Pupils are responsible for the security and safe use of all personal property and parents are responsible for ensuring that all such property is clearly marked with the owner’s name. A pupil may not bring any item of equipment on to school premises which runs off mains electricity without the prior written permission of the CEO.

f) Concerns/Complaints: Parents, who have cause for serious concern as to a matter of safety, care or quality of education must inform the CEO without delay.

g) Progress Reports: The School wishes to monitor each pupil’s progress and each term, parents will receive a report either in writing or at a meeting with the subject teachers.

h) Learning Difficulties: Parents will be notified if it appears that formal assessment by an educational psychologist is advisable or the pupil is falling behind with studies. A formal assessment can be arranged by the School at the parents' expense, or by the parents. Our staff are not however qualified to make a medical diagnosis of conditions such as those commonly referred to as dyslexia, dyscalculia, attention deficit disorder or poor visual acuity or other learning difficulties. Parents will be asked to withdraw the pupil without being charged fees in lieu of notice if, in the opinion of the CEO, the School cannot provide adequately for a pupil's special educational needs.

i) Biological Samples: The CEO may at any time when grounds for suspicion exist, require the pupil to give a biological sample under medical supervision to test for the use of illegal drugs or other substances damaging to health. Such sample will not form part of the pupil’s permanent medical record.

j) Confidentiality: The School will take care to preserve the confidentiality of information concerning the pupil and parents. The parents, however, consent on behalf of themselves and the pupil to the School (through the CEO as the person responsible) obtaining, holding, using and communicating, on a "need to know" basis confidential information which, in the opinion of the CEO, is material to the safety and welfare of the pupils and others. The parents’ consent also to the School communicating with any other school which the pupil attends or which a parent proposes the pupil should attend about any matter concerning the pupil or about payment of fees, whether or not the information passing is in machine-readable form. In all other respects, the School will take care to preserve the confidentiality of information concerning the pupil and parents.

k) Examinations, Reports and References: The School will enter a pupil’s name for an examination if the CEO is satisfied that such is in the best interests of the pupil. Information supplied to parents and others concerning the progress and character of a pupil and about examination, further education and career prospects and any references will be given conscientiously and with all due care and skill but otherwise without liability on the part of the School. Where parents are separated or divorced, reports and other information will be sent to the person with whom the pupil normally resides. Duplicate reports will not normally be sent unless agreed by all those with parental responsibility.

l) Intellectual Property: The School reserves all rights and interests in any intellectual property rights arising as a result of the actions of a pupil in conjunction with any member of staff of the School and/or other pupils at the School for a purpose associated with the School. Any use of any such intellectual property rights by a pupil is subject to the terms of a licence to be agreed prior to the use between the pupil, the pupil's parents and the school. The School will allow the pupil's role in creation/development of intellectual property rights to be acknowledged.

m) Website: The school website describes the broad principles on which the School is presently run and gives an indication of our history and ethos. Although believed correct at the time of publishing, the website is not part of any agreement between the parents and the School. Parents wishing to place specific reliance on a matter given in the website should seek written confirmation of that matter before entering this agreement.

n) Consumer Protection: Care has been taken to use plain language in these terms and conditions and to explain the reasons for any of the terms that may appear one-sided. If any word/s, alone or in combination, infringe any provision of law, they shall be treated as severable and shall be replaced with words which give as near the original meaning as may be fair.

o) Interpretation: These terms and conditions supersede those in the website and elsewhere and will be construed as a whole. Unless required to make sense of the immediate context, headings are for ease of reading only and are not otherwise part of the terms and conditions.

p) Jurisdiction: This contract was made at the School and is governed exclusively by Thai Law.

Executive Board - 010122

Uniform & Dress Code Policy

We believe that the School Uniform and Dress Code:

  • promotes a sense of belonging and pride in the school community

  • gives the school a unique identity

  • creates a sense of equity for the students

  • is practical in its application to a wide range of physical activities and weather conditions.

  • it is appropriate for both boys and girls offering a wide range of choices to suit activities

  • ensures students observe health, safety and decency standards

  • eliminates competition for brand name, denim and "fad" clothing

Implementation of the Dress Code

While it is expected that all students will comply with the Dress Code, the CEO may exempt students upon written request from a parent/guardian. Grounds on which a parent/guardian may seek exemption are:

  • Religious

  • Cultural or ethnic

  • New students (time to purchase, may wear previous uniform)

  • Genuine medical reasons

  • Compliance obligations

Any student not wearing school uniform will be in the first place counselled and reminded verbally to observe the dress code. Contact will be made with parents. Should the student continue to ignore the school’s dress code, appropriate sanctions will be implemented.


  • Blue ISS school shirt

  • Grey school shorts


  • Blue ISS school blouse

  • Grey school skirt (appropriate length) or shorts


Suitable footwear is important, not only for foot development and comfort but for general participation in school life. Student footwear must be black in colour, with no visible logos or markings. They must be smart and practical for school use.

Approved footwear includes:

  • Black trainers or pumps (no logos or markings in other colours or coloured laces)

  • Black school shoes

  • No platform, high-heeled and fashion shoes are permitted to be worn to school

Cold weather

In cool weather, students may wear a long-sleeved jumper or cardigan over their school uniform. Any long-sleeved clothing should be smart and practical and should be black, grey, white or blue in colour with no visible logos or markings.

PE and Sports Uniform

Students representing the school in school and out of school hours competitions are required to wear the appropriate uniform, footwear and protective gear as required by that sport.

Please note the sports shirt does not form a part of the daily school uniform and is only to be worn for PE and sporting activities and events.


  • ISS white PE shirt or plain white T Shirt

  • Blue/black shorts

  • Trainers/sports pumps

  • No jewellery

  • Long hair tied back


  • ISS white PE shirt or plain white T Shirt

  • Blue/ black shorts, leggings or PE skirt

  • Trainers/sports pumps

  • No jewellery

  • Long hair tied back


ISS encourages all students to wear a hat at all times when exposed to outside weather. All hats will be removed during classroom based activities or lessons.


Items of jewellery permitted include:

  • Religious items such as Buddha necklace or white wrist band

  • Wristwatch

  • Plain surgical or gold earring studs or sleepers (girls only)

*Items of fashion jewellery are not permitted to be worn to school. For safety reasons students will be asked to remove these items. Parents will be contacted if the problem persists.

Nail Polish and Make-up

Clear nail varnish only is permitted. Make-up is not permitted – however clear lip-gloss or clear lip moisturiser is permitted. Students will be asked to remove inappropriate nail varnish and make-up.


Due to the health issues associated with body image and the nature of toxic chemicals in hair dyes students are discouraged from colouring or highlighting their hair. Coloured sprays may be used on special occasions e.g. Sports Day, Crazy Hair Day or school socials.

Updating the Dress Code

The dress code will be reviewed regularly and updated in consultation, as appropriate, with:

  • The CEO

  • The school Board

  • Teachers

  • Parents and students

Any major change to the school dress code will be implemented only after consultation with the CEO and ISS School Board. All parents and students will be notified accordingly.

CEO - 010122

Waiting List Policy


This is a statement of procedures for children on a ‘Waiting List’ for entry to ISS. It is reviewed annually.

Aims: We operate a first come first served waiting list policy strictly based on a published waiting list priority scale.

Background: A number of classes at the International School of Samui are full and therefore have waiting lists in operation.

Procedure for Entry onto the Waiting List: If a class is full children are placed on the ‘Waiting List’ in accordance with the ‘Waiting List’ priority scale as below:

  • Waiting list priority

  1. Date of receipt of Reservation Fee paid into designated school bank account for a sibling (to apply only if received more than 3 months before start of term of entry).

  2. Date of receipt of Reservation Fee paid into designated school bank account

  3. Date of receipt of completed school application form – no Reservation Fee paid

  4. Date of receipt of intent to enrol sibling with no Reservation fee paid

  5. Date of receipt of intent to enrol with no Reservation Fee paid

Acceptance of Places: When a place becomes available and a parent chooses to accept the place at ISS, they must pay the relevant Fees and provide written acceptance of the School’s Terms and Conditions within two weeks of notification. Failure to formally accept a place at ISS after two weeks of notification from the school will lead to the forfeiture of the available place at ISS and placement at the bottom of the waiting list.

Acceptance of a temporary place: A child on a waiting list may be temporarily placed in a class one year above or one year below the designated class of entry at the discretion of the school following a formal assessment by the school. Children in school in a temporary class will move into the correct class as soon as a place becomes available.

Waiting list policy

The CEO’s decision is final.

CEO - 010122